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What is Step One?

What is Step One?
by Jhade McConnell -
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Step One is a resource for parents and educators that holds notes, resources, and interactive lessons I’ve created about the personal and professional development of children.

It’s a "personal wiki" I used daily to track my first child's stages of development from infancy to adulthood.

Step One’s first user was me.

Many resources are available to parents, from social media influencers selling their parenting courses to free YouTube videos showing what worked for other parents. 

What worked for other parents, may not work for you.

We as parents have different beliefs and values that we want to teach our children.

This is what makes each family unique, but becomes challenging when creating a developmental plan for children.

Parents want a curriculum based on their personal values, while also meeting their child’s educational needs.

Step One creates tailored development plans for children starting from infancy.

Step One uses your family’s values, beliefs, and goals to create a developmental plan tailored for your children. Our development plans:

  • outlines personal and educational milestones
  • displays interactive lessons to help reach those milestones
  • allows you to track your child’s development in real time

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