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2 New Montessori Courses Available

2 New Montessori Courses Available
by Jhade McConnell -
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Introducing 2 New Montessori Courses

We are publishing 2 new courses for our Montessori library. The 2 new courses are:

  • The Montessori Basics
  • 0-8 Weeks Newborn Guide

The Montessori Basics

This is a foundational course to learn our Montessori curriculums. Upcoming Montessori courses builds upon “The Montessori Basics”.

0-8 Weeks Montessori at Home Guide

This course begins our “Montessori at Home” for new parents and educators: This course explains how the first 8 weeks can create a strong learning foundation for your newborn.

It has parenting tips, commentary, and lessons on guiding you through the first 8 weeks with your newborn.

Check out these curriculums if you are:

  • New parents who have no idea on what to expect with your newborn
  • Interested in applying the Montessori Method at home